I hope you will prove adequate to the job.
Results prove that worst-case or root-sum-square analyses are not adequate to predict probable performance accurately.A Monte Carlo analysis must be performed.
【文献摘要】A numerical analysis indicates that tolerance stackup effects in free-space optical interconnects are significant even for short systems containing few components.
But what words are adequate to describe the extraordinary vitality of these hundreds of heroes, all distinct individuals, all drawn with unforgettable mastery: soldiers, peasants, great nobles, Russians, Austrians, Frenchmen!
但是,有什么词语足以描述这数百名英雄的非凡生命力, 他们都是不同的个体, 都以令人难忘的技艺描绘:士兵、农民、大贵族、俄罗斯人、奥地利人、法国人!